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COD Product TEST/ML Method Description
CH-02 URIC ACID 9 x 50 ml   Uricase-PAP -
CH-03 URIC ACID 2 x 125 ml   Uricase-PAP -
CH-75 URIC ACID LIQ. 2 x 150 ml - L/M 
7008 ALBUMIN 6 x 125 ml green of bromocresol ALBUMIN
AD189 ALDOLASE 5 x 20 ml - ALDOLASE enzimatic cinetic UV
CH-102 AMYLASE 2 x 50 ml Cinetic CNPG3 L/M 
7020 AMMONIA 60 test Chromatographic -
CH-08 DIRECT BILIRUBIN 2 x 125 ml DMSO-Color L/M 
CH-09 TOTAL BILIRUBIN 2 x 125 ml DMSO-Color L/M 
CH-13 CALCIUM ARSENAZO III 2 x 125 ml Arsenazo-Color L/M 
CH-11 CALCIUM  OCC. 2 x 125 ml O-Cresolft. Color L/M 
7064 CK-MB 24 x 2,5 ml UV CINETIC without calibrator
CH-26 CK-NAC 20 x 2,5 ml Cinet.Nac Att. Tablet
CH-15 CHLORIDE 2 x 125 ml Thiocianate-Color L/M 
CH-77 CHOLESTEROL LIQ. 2 x 150 ml - L/M 
CH-21 HDL CHOLESTEROL 3 x 10 ml Tungs./Magn. -
CH-78 HDL CHOLESTEROL 60 + 20 ml Direct L/B 
CH-100 LDL CHOLESTEROL 30 + 10 ml - L/B 
CH-22 CHOLINESTERASE 20 x 3 ml Cinetic Tablet
CH-24 CREATININ 2 x 125 ml Cinetic-Jaffι L/M 
CH-29 IRON  4 x 50 ml Ferrozine -
CH-34 ACID PHOSPHATASE 19 x 2 ml Cin. "Hillmann" Tablet
CH-35 ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE 20 x 3 ml Cin. "DGKC" Tablet
CH-36 ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE 15 x 15 ml Cin. "DGKC" Tablet
CH-38 PHOSPHOLIPIDS 10 x 10 ml PAP -
CH-39 PHOSPHORUS 2 x 125 ml UV L/M 
CH-40 γ GT 20 x 2 ml Cin. "Carboss." Tablet
CH-41 γ GT 15 x 15 ml Cin. "Carboss." Tablet
CH-80 γ GT LIQ. 150 + 20 ml - L/B 
CH-43 GLUCOSE 2 x 125 ml GOD-PAP -
CH-44 GLUCOSE 4 x 250 ml GOD-PAP -
CH-44B GLUCOSE 9 x 50 ml GOD-PAP -
CH-111 GLUCOSE LIQ. 2 x 150 ml - L/M 
PD410 G6P-DH 20 test - G6P - DH cinetic UV
CH-115 GOT/AST LIQ. 150 + 20 ml - L/B 
CH-49 GOT/AST 9 x 50 ml Cin. UV-IFCC Tablet
CH-112 GPT/ALT LIQ. 150 + 20 ml - L/B 
CH-53 GPT/ALT 9 x 50 ml Cin. UV-IFCC Tablet
CH-55 HBDH 20 x 3 ml Cin. UV-IFCC Tablet
CH-56 LAP 20 x 2 ml Cin. "Nagel" Tablet
CH-57 LACTATE 12 x 10 ml PAP -
COD Product TEST/ML Method Description
CH-58 LDH 20 x 3 ml Cin. UV-IFCC Tablet
CH-113 LDH LIQ. 150 + 20 ml - L/B 
CH-61 LIPASE 4 x 10 ml Cin. Lipasi PAP L/M 
CH-62 MAGNESIUM 2 x 125 ml Calmagyte Col. -
GD0650 MUCOPROTEIN 2 x 100 ml - MUCOPROTEIN Winzier modified
CH-65 TOTAL PROTEIN 1 x 1 L Biuretic Color L/M 
SC-1N HUMAN SERUM CONTROL "N" 4 x 5 ml human serum Normal
SC-1P HUMAN SERUM CONTROL "P" 5 x 5 ml human serum Pathological
CH-88 TRIGLYCERIDES LIQ. 2 x 150 ml - L/M 
CH-72 UREA 2 x 125 ml Enz./Color Berthelot Tablet
CH-74 UREA UV 9 x 50 ml UV/GLDH -
CH-89 UREA UV LIQ. 150 + 50 ml - L/B 


ACID PHOSPHATASE / Modified King’s Colorimeteric End Point  10 Test/pack 10 packs/case 142 €
ACID PHOSPHATASE / a   - Naphthyl Phosphate (Kinetic)  10x2 mL/pack 10 packs/case 239 €
30x2 mL/pack 10 packs/case 465 €
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE / Modified Kind & King’s Colorimeteric End Point 15 Test/pack 10 packs/case 139 €
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE - DEA / pNPP Kinetic (DEA Buffer) 10x3 mL/pack 10 packs/case 150 €
a - AMYLASE / Direct substrate method using Gal-G2-CNP 2x10 mL/pack 10 packs/case 219 €
2x30 mL/pack 10 packs/case 434 €
CREATININE KINASE (CK) / Liquid stable, Modified IFCC method for the determination of  CK-MB activity in serum 2x10 mL/pack 10 packs/case 203 €
(NAC act.) /  2x25 mL/pack 10 packs/case 315 €
CREATININE KINASE (MB) / Liquid stable, Modified IFCC (immunoinhibition) method for the  determination of CK-MB activity in serum 2x10 mL/pack 10 packs/case 324 €
(CK - MB) /  2x25 mL/pack 10 packs/case 603 €
  g -GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE / Carboxy Substrate 10x2 mL/pack 10 packs/case 193 €
LACTATE / Liquid stable, Modified IFCC method for the determination of lactate dehydrogenase activity in serum 25 mL/pack 10 packs/case 122 €
SGOT (ASAT) / Liquid stable, Reitmen and Frankel's (colorimetric) method for  the determination of SGOT (ASAT) activity in serum 40 assay/pack 10 packs/case 118 €
SGOT (ASAT) / Liquid stable, Modified IFCC (U.V.Kinetic) method for the determination of SGOT (ASAT) activity in serum 25 mL/pack 10 packs/case 129 €
75 mL/pack 10 packs/case 151 €
SGPT (ALAT) / Liquid stable, Reitmen and Frankel's (colorimetric) method for  (ALAT) activity in serum 40 assay/pack 10 packs/case 120 €
SGPT (ALAT) / Liquid stable, Modified IFCC (U.V.Kinetic) method for the determination  of SGPT (ALAT) activity in serum 25 mL/pack 10 packs/case 131 €
75 mL/pack 10 packs/case 157 €
CHOLESTEROL / Liquid stable, CHOD/PAP method for the determination of  cholesterol in serum, plasma 75 mL/pack 10 packs/case 154 €
2x75 mL/pack 10 packs/case 193 €
2x150 mL/pack 10 packs/case 261 €
HDL-CHOLESTEROL / Liquid stable, PEG precipitation method for the determination of  HDL cholesterol in serum, plasma 10 mL/pack 10 packs/case 118 €
75 mL/pack 10 packs/case 158 €
GLUCOSE / Liquid stable, Glucose oxidase/Peroxidase method for the  determination of glucose in serum, plasma and CSF 2x150 mL/pack 10 packs/case 151 €
3x150 mL/pack 10 packs/case 173 €
1000 mL/pack 10 packs/case 222 €
TRIGLYCERIDES / Liquid stable, GPO.PAP method for the determination of triglycerides in serum, plasma 25 mL/pack 10 packs/case 177 €
75 mL/pack 10 packs/case 260 €
2x75 mL/pack 10 packs/case 404 €
UREA / Liquid stable, end point method using Diacetyl monoxime for the determination of urea in serum, plasma 25 Test/pack 10 packs/case 130 €
50 Test/pack 10 packs/case 143 €
UREA / Liquid stable, Modified Berthelot method for the determination of urea in serum, plasma and urine 75 assay/pack 10 packs/case 142 €
3x75 assay/pack 10 packs/case 204 €
UREA / Liquid stable, GLDH (U.V.Kinetic) method for the determination of  urea in serum, plasma  75 mL/pack 10 packs/case 175 €
2x75 mL/pack 10 packs/case 238 €
URIC ACID / Liquid stable, Uricase/PAP method for the determination of uric  acid in serum, plasma 25 mL/pack 10 packs/case 129 €
75 mL/pack 10 packs/case 150 €
2x75 mL/pack 10 packs/case 187 €
CHLORIDE / Liquid stable, Colorimetric Thiocyanate method for the determination of chloride in serum 75 mL/pack 10 packs/case 121 €
3x75 mL/pack 10 packs/case 139 €
COPPER / Liquid stable, Colorimetric method using Di-Br-PAESA for the  determination of copper in serum 2x12.5 mL/pack 10 packs/case 322 €
ELYTE 2 / Liquid stable, combo kit for the determination of  sodium and potassium in serum 15 Test/pack 10 packs/case 270 €
ELYTE 3 / Liquid stable, combo kit for the determination of sodium and  chloride in serum 15 Test/pack 10 packs/case 283 €
IRON AND TIBC / Colorimetric method using Ferrozine for the determination of iron  and total iron binding capacity in serum 35 mL/pack 10 packs/case 144 €
MAGNESIUM / Liquid stable, Colorimetric method using Calmagite for the  determination of magnesium in serum 2x12.5 mL/pack 10 packs/case 121 €
PHOSPHORUS / Liquid stable, Molybdate U.V.method for the determination of  inorganic phosphorus in serum, plasma and urine 75 mL/pack 10 packs/case 118 €
(INORGANIC) /     
PHOSPHORUS / Liquid stable, Modified Gomorri's (colorimetric) method for the determination of inorganic phosphorus in serum, plasma and urine 10 Test/pack 10 packs/case 124 €
(INORGANIC) /     
POTASSIUM / Liquid stable, Colorimetric (turbidimetric) method using tetra phenyl boron for the determination of potassium in serum 15 Test/pack 10 packs/case 173 €
SODIUM / Liquid stable, Colorimetric method for the determination of sodium  in serum 15 Test/pack 10 packs/case 217 €
ZINC / Liquid stable, Colorimetric method using Nitro-PAPS for the determination of zinc in serum 25 mL/pack 10 packs/case 328 €
ALBUMIN / Liquid stable, BCG method for the determination of  albumin in serum, plasma 1x150 mL/pack 10 packs/case 124 €
2x150 mL/pack 10 packs/case 136 €
BILIRUBIN / Liquid stable, Modified Jendrassik and Grof's method of Direct  and Total Bilirubin in serum 30 Test/pack 10 packs/case 126 €
DIRECT AND TOTAL /  75 Test/pack 10 packs/case 142 €
CALCIUM / Liquid stable, Arsenazo III method for the determination of calcium  in serum, plasma 75 mL/pack 10 packs/case 132 €
CALCIUM / Liquid stable, O-Creolphthalein complexone for the determination of calcium in serum, plasma 2x35 mL/pack 10 packs/case 127 €
2x75 mL/pack 10 packs/case 141 €
CREATININE / Liquid stable, Alkaline picrate end point method for the determination  of creatinine in serum, urine 15 Test/pack 10 packs/case 118 €
35 Test/pack 10 packs/case 122 €
CREATININE / Liquid stable, Modified Jaffe's kinetic method using  alkaline picrate for  the determination of creatinine in serum, urine 2x35 mL/pack 10 packs/case 116 €
2x75 mL/pack 10 packs/case 124 €
MICROPROTEINS / Liquid stable, Colorimetric method using pyrogallol red for the determination of proteins in urine and CSF 25 mL/pack 10 packs/case 121 €
TOTAL PROTEIN / Liquid stable, Biuret method for the determination of total protein  in serum, plasma 1x150 mL/pack 10 packs/case 123 €
2x150 mL/pack 10 packs/case 133 €
ECO GLUCOSE / GOD/ POD 4x250 mL/pack 10 packs/case 186 €
FLAMECAL / Tri level calibrating solution for flame photometer for Na +, K+,LI+ 3x250 mL/pack 10 packs/case 129 €
UNI WASH / Detergent 1000 mL/pack 10 packs/case 133 €
UNI CLIN / Detergent 1000 mL/pack 10 packs/case 133 €
COOL CHAIN / Cool Packs 200 gms/pack 10 packs/case 113 €
HEMOCOR - C / Liquid stable, 25 x Concentrated cyanmethaemoglobin  reagent for the determination of Hb in whole blood 5x12.2 mL/pack 10 packs/case 128 €
HEMOCOR - D / Liquid stable, Ready to use Cyanmethaemoglobin  reagent for the determination of Hb in whole blood 1000 mL/pack 10 packs/case 119 €
HEMOCOR STANDARD / Liquid stable, Haemoglobin standard for quantitative estimation of Hb in whole blood 10 mL/pack 10 packs/case 109 €
HEMOSAFE - SLS / Liquid stable Cyanide free, SLS reagent for the determination of  Hb in whole blood 1000 mL/pack 10 packs/case 127 €
HEMOSPOT / Two field standard guaiac method for detecting occult blood in stool 50 Test/pack 10 packs/case 204 €
G-SIX PD / Methaemoglobin reduction based method for screening and quantitation of G-6PD deficiency 10x1 Test/pack 10 packs/case 185 €
HEMOSAFE - SLS / SLS 1000 mL/pack 10 packs/case 172 €
GLYCOSYLATED HEMOGLOBIN KIT / For the quantitative determination of Glycohemoglobin in blood. 10 Tests/pack 10 packs/case 272 €
25 Tests/pack 10 packs/case 464 €
MULTIDET / Concentrated 10 x Neutral lab detergent for glassware, labware and instruments 1000 mL/pack 10 packs/case 133 €
GIEMSA STAIN / Ready to use Romaowsky stain for thick and thin blood smears 250 mL/pack 10 packs/case 133 €
LEISHMAN STAIN / Ready to use Romaowsky stain for thick and thin blood smears 250 mL/pack 10 packs/case 126 €
FIELD A STAIN / Ready to use Romaowsky stain for thick and thin blood smears 250 mL/pack 10 packs/case 126 €
FIELD B STAIN / Ready to use Romaowsky stain for thick and thin blood smears 250 mL/pack 10 packs/case 126 €
WEISS BUFFER / Concentrated 200 x Buffer solution for use with Romanowsky stains 10 mL/pack 10 packs/case 107 €


Copyright © 2002 GENTAUR Molecular Products
Last modified: 05/29/09