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Catalog # Product Name Quantity Price (€)
BIO-21040 BIOTAQ DNA Polymerase  500 Units 115
BIO-21060 BIOTAQ DNA Polymerase   2500 Units 380
BIO-21071 BIOTAQ Core Kit  500 Units  175
BIO-21041 BIOTAQ Red DNA Polymerase  500 Units 125
BIO-21061 BIOTAQ Red DNA Polymerase  2500 Units 500
BIO-21080 HyBripol DNA Polymerase  1000 Units 130
BIO-21081 HyBripol DNA Polymerase  2500 Units 300
BIO-21083 MangoTaq DNA Polymerase 1000 Units 150
BIO-21082 MangoTaq DNA Polymerase 2000 Units 280
BIO-21078 MangoTaq DNA Polymerase 5000 Units 650
BIO-21058 Diamond DNA Polymerase 250 Units 135
BIO-21059 Diamond DNA Polymerase 500 Units 235
BIO-21046 IMMOLASE DNA Polymerase  250 Units 115
BIO-21047 IMMOLASE DNA Polymerase  500 Units 200
BIO-21048 IMMOLASE DNA Polymerase  5000 Units 1600
BIO-21049 BIO-X-ACT Long DNA Polymerase  250 Units 150
BIO-21050 BIO-X-ACT Long DNA Polymerase  500 Units 256
BIO-21064 BIO-X-ACT Short DNA Polymerase  250 Units 150
BIO-21065 BIO-X-ACT Short DNA Polymerase  500 Units 256
BIO-21088 SAHARA DNA Polymerase 250 Units 130
BIO-21089 SAHARA DNA Polymerase 500 Units 235
BIO-21090 SAHARA DNA Polymerase 2500 Units 1095
BIO-21051 ACCUZYME DNA Polymerase 250 Units 160
BIO-21052 ACCUZYME DNA Polymerase 500 Units 260
BIO-21091 ACCUZYME Red DNA Polymerase 250 Units 168
BIO-21092 ACCUZYME Red DNA Polymerase 500 Units 275
BIO-21068 AccuSure DNA Polymerase  250 Units 215
BIO-21069 AccuSure DNA Polymerase  500 Units 350
BIO-27034 T4 DNA Polymerase 250 Units 85
BIO-27035 T4 DNA Polymerase 500 Units 155
BIO-37088 SureBand PCR Optimization Kit Set of 12 Buffers and Enzyme (BIO-X-ACT Short) 125
BIO-27029 Klenow Fragment 500 Units 80
BIO-27044 Uracil DNA-Glycosilase (UDGase) 500 Units 55
BIO-25011 BioMix, 2x 100  Reactions 53
BIO-25012 BioMix, 2x 500 Reactions 220
BIO-25005 BioMix Red, 2x  100  Reactions 55
BIO-25006 BioMix Red, 2x  500 Reactions 230
BIO-25019 ImmoMix, 2x 100 Reactions 80
BIO-25020 ImmoMix, 2x 500 Reactions 375
BIO-25021 ImmoMix  Red, 2x  100 Reactions 85
BIO-25022 ImmoMix  Red, 2x      500 Reactions 390
BIO-25023 BIO-X-ACT Long Mix, 2x  100 Reactions 88
BIO-25024 BIO-X-ACT Long Mix, 2x 500 Reactions 395
BIO-25025 BIO-X-ACT Short Mix, 2x 100 Reactions 88
BIO-25026 BIO-X-ACT Short Mix, 2x  500 Reactions 395
BIO-25027 ACCUZYME Mix, 2x                100 Reactions 95
BIO-25028 ACCUZYME Mix, 2x  500 Reactions 430
BIO-25029 AccuSure Mix, 2x    100 Reactions 120
BIO-25030 AccuSure Mix, 2x            500 Reactions 575
BIO-25031 Diamond Mix, 2x  100 Reactions 88
BIO-25032 Diamond Mix, 2x 500 Reactions 395
BIO-25033 MangoMix, 2x 250  Reactions 110
BIO-25034 MangoMix, 2x 1000 Reactions 355
BIO-27036 BioScript  10,000 Units  140
BIO-27036-4 BioScript  4 x 10,000 Units  495
BIO-65025 cDNA Synthesis Kit 30 Reactions 125
BIO-65026 cDNA Synthesis Kit 100 Reactions 395
BIO-21055 T7 RNA Polymerase 5,000u 50
BIO-21056 T7 RNA Polymerase 20,000 Units 170
BIO-21072 T7 Transcription Kit 50 Reactions 160
BIO-65027 RNase Inhibitor 2500 Units 95
BIO-65028 RNase Inhibitor 10,000 Units 235
BIO-65033 BioScript One-Step RT-PCR Kit  10 Reactions 55
BIO-65030 BioScript One-Step RT-PCR Kit  25 Reactions 120
BIO-65031 BioScript One-Step RT-PCR Kit  100 Reactions 395
BIO-65032 T4 RNA Ligase 1000 units 55
BIO-38028 Random Hexamer Primer 25µg 35
BIO-38029 Oligo (dT) 18 27µg 60
BIO-38030 DEPC - Treated Water 10 x 10ml  45
BIO-38031 DEPC - Treated Water 1 litre 40
BIO-38027 MOPS Electrophoresis Buffer, 10x 1 litre 40
BIO-38032 TRIsure  100ml 150
BIO-38033 TRIsure  200ml  275
BIO-39025 dNTP Set, 100mM  4 x 25µmol, (4 x 250µl) 95
BIO-39026 dNTP Set, 100mM  4 x 100µmol, (4 x 4 x 250µl) 350
BIO-39027 dNTP Set, 100mM  4 x 500µmol, (4 x 20 x 250µl) 1625
BIO-39044 dNTP Mix, 10mM Final Conc.  10µmol, (1ml vol.) 35
BIO-39053 dNTP Mix, 10mM Final Conc.  100µmol, (10 x 1ml) 245
BIO-39043 dNTP Mix, 40mM Final Conc.  20µmol, (1 x 500µl) 45
BIO-39028 dNTP Mix, 100mM Final Conc.  50µmol, (1 x 500µl) 80
BIO-39029 dNTP Mix, 100mM Final Conc.  200µmol, (4 x 500µl) 279
BIO-39041 dUTP Mix, 50mM Final Conc.  25µmol, (1 x 500µl) 60
BIO-39050 NTP Mix, 100mM Final Conc.  100µmol, (1 x 1ml) 115
BIO-39052 NTP Set, 100mM  4 x 25µmol, (4 x 250µl) 110
BIO-39032 dITP, 100mM  25µmol, (1 x 250µl) 75
BIO-39035 dUTP, 100mM  25µmol, (1 x 250µl) 75
BIO-39036 dATP, 100mM  25µmol, (1 x 250µl) 30
BIO-39037 dGTP, 100mM  25µmol, (1 x 250µl) 30
BIO-39038 dCTP, 100mM  25µmol, (1 x 250µl) 30
BIO-39039 dTTP, 100mM  25µmol, (1 x 250µl) 30
BIO-39046 Hydroxymethylated dCTP, 100mM  25µmol, (1 x 250µl) 270
BIO-33025 HyperLadder I 200 Lanes 72
BIO-33026 HyperLadder I 500 Lanes 144
BIO-33039 HyperLadder II   200 Lanes 130
BIO-33040 HyperLadder II  500 Lanes 290
BIO-33043 HyperLadder III   200 Lanes 122
BIO-33044 HyperLadder III  500 Lanes 280
BIO-33029 HyperLadder IV 200 Lanes 122
BIO-33030 HyperLadder IV 500 Lanes 280
BIO-33031 HyperLadder V  200 Lanes 130
BIO-33032 HyperLadder V  500 Lanes 290
BIO-33033 HyperLadder VI  200 Lanes 130
BIO-33034 HyperLadder VI  500 Lanes 290
BIO-33045 EasyLadder I 200 Lanes 80
BIO-33046 EasyLadder I 500 Lanes 185
BIO-33047 EasyLadder II 200 Lanes 80
BIO-33048 EasyLadder II 500 Lanes 185
BIO-33035 MegaLadder 2Kb 50 Lanes, 25µg 53
BIO-33036 MegaLadder 2Kb 200 Lanes, 100µg 188
BIO-33037 MegaLadder 5Kb 50 Lanes, 25µg 55
BIO-33038 MegaLadder 5Kb 200 Lanes, 100µg 190
BIO-33060 RiboLadder Short  25 Lanes   100
BIO-33061 RiboLadder Long 25 Lanes   110
BIO-22028 pUC 18 Hae III digest 200 Injections 120
BIO-22029 DH-Ladder 200 Injections 160
BIO-37045 DNA Loading Buffer Blue, 5x 2 x 1ml  18
BIO-37068 DNA Loading Buffer Red, 5x 2 x 1ml  18
BIO-37070 DNA Loading Buffer TriColour, 5x  2 x 1ml  22
BIO-38025 RNA Loading Buffer, 2x (with Ethidium Bromide) 1ml  19
BIO-38026 RNA Loading Buffer, 2x (without Ethidium Bromide) 1ml  19
BIO-27026 T4 DNA Ligase 500 Units (weiss) 85
BIO-27027 Quick-Stick Ligase  50 Reactions 95
BIO-27028 Quick-Stick Ligase 100 Reactions 160
BIO-27041 Lyo-Ligase 25 Reactions 56
BIO-27042 Lyo-Ligase 100 Reactions 190
BIO-27031 T4 Polynucleotide Kinase 500 Units 80
BIO-27045 Thermo DNA Ligase 500 Units 295
BIO-86032 3' RACE Kit  20 rxns 395
BIO-87025 Ampicillin Solution 10ml @ 100mg/ml  25
BIO-87026 Carbenicillin Solution 10ml @ 100mg/ml  25
BIO-87027 Chloramphenicol Solution 10ml @ 50mg/ml 25
BIO-87028 Kanamycin Solution 10ml @ 50mg/ml 25
BIO-87029 Neomycin Solution 10ml @ 50mg/ml 25
BIO-87030 Tetracycline Solution  10ml @ 12.5mg/ml  25
BIO-75033 Heparin Cellulose 5ml 25
BIO-75025 Heparin Cellulose 25ml 90
BIO-75026 Heparin Cellulose 50ml 160
BIO-75034 GlutathioneCellulose 5ml 45
BIO-75027 GlutathioneCellulose 25ml 215
BIO-75028 GlutathioneCellulose 50ml 395
BIO-75035 Metal Chelating Cellulose 5ml 30
BIO-75029 Metal Chelating Cellulose 25ml 130
BIO-75030 Metal Chelating Cellulose 50ml 230
BIO-75036 His-Catch Metal Chelating Cellulose - Pre-Charged with Nickel 5ml 32
BIO-75031 His-Catch Metal Chelating Cellulose - Pre-Charged with Nickel 25ml 140
BIO-75032 His-Catch Metal Chelating Cellulose - Pre-Charged with Nickel 50ml 245
BIO-46025 PlasFect 0.75ml  190
BIO-46026 PlasFect 1.5ml  322
BIO-46027 PlasFect 5 x 1.5ml  1550
BIO-46028 RiboFect 0.75ml  235
BIO-46029 RiboFect 1.5ml  400
BIO-46030 RiboFect 5 x 1.5ml  1933
BIO-37042 SureClean 1 x 5ml  60
BIO-37046 SureClean  5 x 5ml  280
BIO-37047 SureClean Plus 1 x 5ml  80
BIO-37048 SureClean Plus 5 x 5ml  370
BIO-36025 Half-Dye Mix        ~250 Templates,     1.6ml 135
BIO-36026 Half-Dye Mix        ~1000 Templates, 6.5 ml 495
BIO-37035 X-GAL 1g 83
BIO-37036 IPTG 5g 77
BIO-37037 Proteinase K 100mg 94
BIO-37039 Proteinase K 1000mg 695
BIO-37082 IPTG Solution 10ml @ 1M 60
BIO-37083 IPTG Solution 5 x 10ml @ 1M 230
BIO-37084 Proteinase K Solution 5ml @ 20mg/ml  110
BIO-37085 Proteinase K Solution 5 x 5ml @ 20mg/ml  475
BIO-37086 X-GAL/IPTG Solution  10ml 75
BIO-37074 Co-Precipitant, Colourless 1.5ml  60
BIO-37075 Co-Precipitant, Pink 1.5ml 60
BIO-37077 Glycogen 1ml  70
BIO-37078 Sheared DNA 5ml  40
BIO-41025 Agarose,  DNase/RNase Free  500g 199
BIO-41026 Agarose,  DNase/RNase Free  100g 55
BIO-41027 Agarose Tablets , DNase/RNase Free 300g 165
BIO-41028 Agarose Tablets , DNase/RNase Free 150g 99
BIO-35025 Human Genomic DNA 500µl @ 200ng/µl 95
BIO-35026 Rat Genomic DNA 500µl @ 200ng/µl 95
BIO-35027 Mouse Genomic DNA 500µl @ 200ng/µl 95
BIO-35030 Human Endogenous Gene Panel  100 rxns  350
BIO-37025 NH4 Buffer, 10x  3 x 1.2ml 16
BIO-37064 NH4 Buffer, 10x incl. 50mM MgCl2 3 x 1.2ml 16
BIO-37026 MgCl2 Solution, 50mM  3 x 1.2ml 16
BIO-37066 KCl Buffer, 10x 3 x 1.2ml 16
BIO-37030 OptiBuffer, 10x ~ 200 Reactions,  1.2ml 65
BIO-37031 OptiBuffer, 10x ~ 600 Reactions ,  1.2ml x 3 180
BIO-37087 ROX Reference Buffer  500µl 30
BIO-37032 Hi-Spec Additive, 5x 3x1.2 ml 32
BIO-37041 PolyMate Additive, 2x  2 x 1.2ml 40
BIO-37080 Water, 18.2MΩ PCR Grade 10 x 10ml  60
BIO-37089 PCR Buffer A, 2x   2.5ml  40
BIO-37090 PCR Buffer B, 2x   2.5ml  40
BIO-37091 PCR Buffer C, 2x   2.5ml  40
BIO-37092 PCR Buffer D, 2x   2.5ml  40
BIO-37093 PCR Buffer E, 2x   2.5ml  40
BIO-37094 PCR Buffer F, 2x   2.5ml  40
BIO-37095 PCR Buffer G, 2x   2.5ml  40
BIO-37096 PCR Buffer H, 2x   2.5ml  40
BIO-37097 PCR Buffer I, 2x   2.5ml  40
BIO-37098 PCR Buffer J, 2x   2.5ml  40
BIO-37099 PCR Buffer K, 2x   2.5ml  40
BIO-37100 PCR Buffer L, 2x   2.5ml  40

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Copyright © 2002 GENTAUR Molecular Products
Last modified: 05/29/09